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Aikido Demonstration and Introduction

Like martial-arts? Japanese culture? Or enjoy watching some action? Come to our Aikido demos and if you like what you see, you can try it for free!

  • 13th September 2022 - 16th September 2022
  • 9:00 pm - 8:00 pm

We are happy to welcome you to the Aikido demonstration and introduction sessions to be held on:

Day Time Location
13 September 2022, Tuesday 9:00 pm North Cambridge Academy
16 September 2022, Friday 7:30 pm North Cambridge Academy

You can enjoy the action, ask any questions you may have and learn lots about Aikido and martial-arts.

Aikido is a Japanese martial-art practiced by people of all ages, genders and body types. It allows physical training, learning to defend yourself as well as developing self-discipline.

For more information, visit our website, www.aikidocambridge.com and fill out the subscription form to attend our meetings. Afterwards, you can attend our next available class and try it free of charge.

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Did you know?

Want to meet Cambridge’s largest resident? Head to the Museum of Zoology, where you’ll be greeted by an enormous fin whale skeleton. Measuring 21-metres, it’s one of the largest of its kind ever recorded, and fills the entrance hall end to end.