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Beyond Burns Night Whisky Tasting

Let me guide you beyond whisky tradition, through 6 samples selected to showcase the flavours you love from alternative sources. Newcomers welcome!

  • 10th February 2024 - 10th February 2024
  • 7:00 pm - 10:30 pm

Where do you go after a traditional Burns Night tasting whisky introduction, to seek out a drinking experience you’ll enjoy beyond the common brands, beyond Scotland, Beyond Burns Night? Join me for an evening as I guide you through 6 samples I’ve selected to show you what else is out there.

Burns Night tastings are often specifically engineered to give guests a breadth of exposure to what Scotch whisky can offer. There’s usually a focus on tradition: the processes involved in getting the whisky to your glass, the industry and its big names, and the highlights of the range of styles and flavours available. They’re a great way to give people their first taste of whisky – but whisky can be so much more!

With this Beyond Burns Night tasting, my hope is that I’ll be able to build on the favourite experiences you’ve identified in the past by showing you some twists on tradition. There will be single malt scotch whisky, but we’ll step away from the usual, alter the recipe, and travel the world. You should still expect the same balanced range of flavours and styles one seeks to explore in a whisky tasting, but I do hope you’ve not sampled from these bottles before!

A guided whisky tasting:
All are welcome to attend the event, whether you consider yourself a whisky expert or haven’t explored it at all. The evening will start with an introduction to the event and the first whisky, explaining a bit about why I’ve chosen it. We’ll share some nosing and tasting notes and then I’ll let you enjoy the whisky with your friends and fellow guests. After a short while this process will repeat for each of the remaining whiskies. I’ll be happy to try and answer any questions about the whiskies, the process of making them and the industry at any point.

About me, your host:
My philosophy with whisky is that there’s no wrong way to enjoy it. Neat, with water, with ice, blended, smokey, sweet, from Scotland or Japan or Mexico! Everyone should be able to enjoy tasting and smelling what they taste and smell however they choose.
I’ve been hosting whisky tastings in Cambridge for nearly 4 years. Mostly this has been as a part of the Cambridge University Whisky Appreciation Society but, in the last year, I have branched out to reach a wider audience to share this wonderful spirit with. After studying in Scotland and continuing to explore the world of whisky in the 7 years since, from Cambridge, I really enjoy sharing what I’ve learned with others and find that there’s always more whisky to try.
To see a bit more check out my linktree.

Admission with pre-booked tickets – sales on the door cannot be guaranteed.
For any other information please don’t hesitate to reach out on elliott.drinks.whisky@gmail.com


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