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Diving Deep into Science and Religion

Join the Faraday Institute, Theos, and BioLogos for a deeper dive into science and religion in a live podcast conversation.

  • 7th September 2022 - 7th September 2022
  • 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

For the past three years, the Faraday Institute and Theos have undergone a large scale research project to find out how people in the UK understand and think about science and religion. They found that the conversation is much deeper and much more interesting than is often portrayed. Come listen to a live Language of God podcast about what they learned and even join in the conversation yourself. 

Nick Spencer is Senior Fellow at Theos and a co-author of the report. 

Bethany Sollereder is a Lecturer in Science and Religion at the University of Edinburgh.

Jim Stump is Host of the Language of God podcast and Vice President of Programs at BioLogos.


Did you know?

The city’s name is known around the world, but it wasn’t always called Cambridge. In the Middle Ages it was known as Grantabridge, meaning the bridge over the river Granta (one of the sources of the River Cam).