Our Place in Space has announced a packed programme of free events taking place in Cambridge this July and August while the sculpture trail visits the city. The family-friendly opening weekend features a live event with recently returned NASA astronaut Kayla Barron, STEAM activities, space talks and a special performance of Even You Song inspired by the moon landings. Throughout August you can enjoy special events at museums, cosmic storytelling, a silent disco during the Perseid meteor shower and much more.
Launch weekend
Midsummer Common
30–31 July, 12pm–9pm
A two-day packed programme of family-friendly events on Midsummer Common next to the start of the sculpture trail. Meet real life NASA astronaut Kayla Barron, enjoy live music from Waterbeach Brass, take part in a book signing with Oliver Jeffers, get crafty with SunSpaceArt, hear from solar scientists and astrophysicists and join a special edition of Even You Song. Events will take place at a stage and marquees on the Common from 12pm–9pm on Saturday 30 July and from 12pm–6pm on Sunday 31 July.