Tom Jones is a bawdy rip-roaring comedy set in the heart of the English countryside, and performed in the magical gardens of Madingley Hall. The play, based on Henry Fielding’s classic novel, follows the hilarious and amorous adventures of Tom – a foundling – who travels to London to seek his fortune.
Adapted for the stage by Joan Macalpine, Tom Jones is being staged in the glorious gardens of Madingley Hall this summer. The gardens, designed by Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown in 1756, provide the perfect setting for our 18th century farce. Come and enjoy the grounds, the Tudor masterpiece that is the hall and the fabulous adventures of Tom Jones.
There is space for picnics, a bar is available and plenty of parking. An enjoyable summer evening beckons.
- Bar
- Car Parking
- Cloakroom facilities
- Facilities for Disabled Guests
- On site parking
- Restaurant
Accessibility Facilities
- Blue Badge Parking
- Designated wheelchair public toilet
- Staff available to assist
- Wheel chair accessible