

Parking in the city

Cambridge is connected to many locations via the A14, M11, A10 and the A428 from Cambourne, and if you are choosing to drive to the centre and park in town, there are multiple options.

Castle Hill, 15 min walk to centre (112 spaces)

  • Monday to Sunday, 24 hours
  • Ranges from £2.60 – £8.20, free between 7pm and 8am (9am Saturdays)
  • First 3 hours free for Blue Badge holders

Grafton East, 15 min walk to centre (526 spaces)

  • Monday to Sunday, 24 hours
  • Ranges from £2.30 – £28.30, peak time charges apply
  • Evenings and overnight: 80p per hour
  • First 3 hours free for Blue Badge holders

Park Street, 10 min walk to centre (287 spaces)

  • Monday to Sunday, 24 hours
  • Ranges from £2.50 – £28.30, peak time charges apply
  • Evenings and overnight: 80p per hour
  • First 3 hours free for Blue Badge holders

Grand Arcade, in centre (953 spaces)

  • Monday to Sunday, 24 hours
  • Ranges from £2.50 – £30.40, peak time charges apply
  • Evenings and overnight: £1.20 per hour
  • First 3 hours free for Blue Badge holders

Find more information on parking and charges at the Cambridge City Council website.


Did you know?

One of Cambridge University’s most famous traditions is May Week, which actually takes place in early June. Heralding the end of the academic year, it’s a time when students enjoy lavish balls and garden parties before dispersing for the summer.